Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hidden in Plain Sight

Many of the things that are important, the things that are essential can be found here in this religious community. You can find them hidden in plain sight. They appear to be hidden, for who would expect that that these things, these values would exist here, or anywhere. Are you seeking a community that encourages freedom of belief? Do you long to be accepted as you are and invited to grow? Do you want to be inspired to practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty? Do you yearn for solace and sanctuary, a community of caring to celebrate as you celebrate, to mourn as you mourn? Instead of creeds, do you value deeds that extend compassion and justice? Are you looking for a faith that honors head and heart, reason and reverence? Rather than a stifling uniformity, are you challenged and inspired by diversity? More than simple answers, do you seek thoughtful questions that lead to deeper meaning? More than knowledge, do you seek wisdom? All of this and much more is to be found here— hidden in plain sight; hidden unless you have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart that yearns for a religious tradition that can seek as you seek, grow as you grow, and make a difference in you and in the world.

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